Well firstly, we all know Valentines Day, like other holidays has become a well oiled commercial opportunity. How we approach it very much depends on where we are at in the world of relationships and coupledom. Several years ago, after many years married to my wonderful husband when I was very pre-occupied with work I totally forgot about the day only to be mortified to come home to a humongous bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates, a good bottle of red and a delicious home cooked meal…fortunately he was very forgiving and we had a lovely evening. The strangest thing happened when the next morning as I went to get into my car … I was greeted by a big heart shaped dog poop. I took a photo of it and made it into a home-made card for him to thank him for a lovely evening…He still has it now.

1. Don’t Forget the Day … whether you are single or one half of a couple the one thing you mustn’t do is ignore the day. If single arrange a night out with friends, a few drinks in a local bar or a cinema date. If you have to be alone, treat yourself to a gorgeous scented candle … run a warm bath throw in a bath bomb, and indulge yourself … then relax with movie or a good book. Likewise, if you have a partner make them feel special. Make them feel they are foremost in your mind when the whole country is talking hearts and flowers.

2. Don’t Eat these Foods … If you celebrating with a loved one or going on a date, avoid garlic, coffee, cabbage, steamed broccoli, smelly cheeses, corn, beans, asparagus and big ice-cream sundaes. This is the one day of the year you will want to be indigestion free, sweet smelling and fresh breathed
3. Don’t Go Overboard on Gifts …Whether you are in a long-term relationship or the flushes of new love, you really don’t need to go overboard in the things you do for Valentines. Whilst you may be feeling exuberant and want to shower your love with extravagant gestures, you may end up embarrassing your partner leaving them feeling awkward as if they haven’t done enough. Also, be mindful of setting the bar too high for next year. Even if you are planning to spring a surprise on them, make sure you talk beforehand to give a general feel of what’s involved to ensure they have the time and are able to dress appropriately. A hand written card with a personal message, definitely NOT a cheesy poem downloaded from a google search, a bunch of flowers, they don’t have to be roses, or even better a bouquet of beautiful and highly realistic forever Faux Flowers is a lovely gift, and will still look lovely a year on. For a beautiful heart themed gift we love this beautiful Gatsby Silver Mirrored Candle Holder.
Alternatively, you cannot go wrong with one of the products from our gorgeous Neom Organic Range…whether you choose one of the luxury aromatherapy candles, a Room Diffuser or a Room Spray, beautifully packaged, this is a gift that will not disappoint. From £15.00 - £45.00
Or make your loved one a personalised care package with some underwear, a piece of jewellery, their favourite chocs or toiletries … pack them into this beautiful Mirrored Peacock Book Box

4. Don’t just Turn up at a Restaurant …If you are planning a meal out, be sure to make a reservation beforehand. Restaurants always get ridiculously booked up on Valentines Day … and it will certainly kill the romance if you end up traipsing from one restaurant to another on a cold February evening. Even better than going to a restaurant, would be to put some flowers on the table, light a candle, open a bottle of wine and surprise your love with a delicious home cooked meal for two!

Don’t Compare … this is a special day to focus on your partner. Be careful not to compare it to previous Valentines in the past or get bogged down with jealousies and thoughts about ex’s. The only thing that should matter on this special day is the love the two of you share in your own personal way, which cannot be compared to any other couple on the planet. Your relationship is based on the love you share for each other, not objects, money or destinations. If you find resentment setting in, just release it and focus on the good things in your life. Likewise if you are single, try not to focus on your lack of a significant relationship, instead, focus on your friendships, family and pets. Maybe even reach out to a single friend who may be feeling lonely and invite them round for a special meal.
6. Don’t Let it End on 15th…. While I personally feel its important to celebrate high days and holidays to create special memories, the best way to keep the romance alive in your relationship and to ensure your relationship is strong and powerful is to always be loving, always communicate and show each other you care for each other. True love isn’t dependant on outlays of cash or extravagant gestures …but on showing tenderness and care for each other in real life situations, when it really matters…And Finally Don’t Step in the Dog Poop!

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