When you place an order, we will require your name, e-mail address, credit / debit card number, card expiry date and CVV number. Without this information we will not be able to process your request or notify you of acceptance of your order.
An email confirmation is only a confirmation that we have received your order and/or payment. It is not an acceptance of your order and we retain the right to contact you and issue a full refund in the event of complications with your order; including, but not limited to, incorrect pricing, stock availability and delivery charges.
A contact telephone number is also required so that we may reach you if there is a problem with your order, or if your order requires a delivery quote. We may, unless you advise us otherwise, pass this information to our couriers or other agents in case they need to contact you to arrange the processing or delivery of your order.
As part of our efforts to ensure that you are aware of the latest developments and offers, we may also use this information to advise you of new products, special offers or changes to our site. If you would rather not receive this information, please send an email to orders@scapeinteriors.co.uk. Once your order has been despatched, the completion of the contract between Scape Interiors and yourself takes place. We cannot fulfil any obligations due to the following reasons:
- The product you ordered being unavailable from stock
- Our inability to obtain authorisation for your payment
- The identification of a pricing or product description error
- Customers who fail to reach any order criteria set out in the Terms & Conditions
If there are any problems with your order, you will be contacted by one of our Customer Services Representatives either by email or by phone. Coupon discount only apply to items currently available in stock.
We reserve the right to reject any offer of purchase by you at any time. We will take all reasonable care, in so far as it is in our power to do so, to keep the details of your order and payment secure but, in the absence of negligence on our part, we cannot be held liable for any loss you may suffer if a third party procures unauthorised access to any data you provide when accessing or ordering from the Website.
Discount codes are subject to availability and may be withdrawn at any time. Signup discount code offer applies to full priced items only.